Monthly Archives: November 2013

Why the mint on your pillow matters

Stephen MostromBy Stephen Mostrom

Unless you spend a lot of time in Louisiana, you likely haven’t heard the term “lagniappe.” But this Creole aphorism has the power to transform your business. Defined as “the gift” or “to give more,” lagniappe represents the potential to turn customers into your largest sales force by exceeding expectations.

As Stan Phelps, Founder and Chief Measurement Officer of 9 INCH Marketing and author of What’s Your Purple Goldfish – 12 Ways to Win Customers and Influence Word of Mouth, explained in his talk at the Center of Services Leaderships’ 24th Annual Compete Through Service Symposium, we are coming out of a market economy. The market economy revolved around the exchange – “I give you money, you give me service” – and as long as basic expectations were met, customers would return.  But as competition increases and customer expectations shift, it is no longer enough for a company to provide adequate service. To stand out, you have to over-deliver. Continue reading

24th Annual Compete Through Service Symposium Recap in Pictures

Meet the Center for Services Leadership Team!

As the 24th Annual Compete Through Service Symposium approaches, we thought we would take a few minutes to introduce you to the CSL team. Now that you know us, we’d love to talk to you more at the symposium!

Mary JoName:  Mary Jo Bitner

Where are you from?
My home town is Seattle, Washington where I grew up and went to university and graduate school.  I still visit frequently!

Affiliation with the CSL:
Professor of Marketing and Executive Director, Center for Services Leadership

Time with CSL/ASU:
I have been at ASU for 27 years as a professor and have served in various roles with the CSL during that time, including research director and co-director with Steve Brown.

Prior to coming to ASU I was in graduate school at the University of Washington.  Prior to that, I worked in international student programs at UW and, before that, at Stanford.

What initially drew you to the CSL?
ASU’s forward-looking focus on services leadership even in the mid-1980s was a compelling reason for me to join the faculty. Steve Brown, Michael Mokwa and others sold me on the school and their vision of CSL!

Fun fact:
I am a first-generation university graduate. My father lived the “American Dream” in immigrating to the US from The Netherlands and starting his own small manufacturing business.

AliciaName: Alicia Holder

Where are you from?
I grew up mainly near Roy, Utah – I am an Air Force brat and my dad was stationed at Hill Air Force Base.

Affiliation with the CSL:
Director of Business Partnerships

Time with CSL/ASU:
I’ve been with the W. P. Carey School of  Business for 16 years – most of that was been with the CSL.  I’ve also worked with our MBA students.

Prior to coming to ASU, I was Assistant Director of University Events for Old Dominion University in Virginia Beach, VA.  I worked with the President’s Office on donor events, so I’ve had a long career in higher education.   I was also a certified teacher in Virginia and did some teaching at lower grade levels.

What initially drew you to the CSL?
I loved being at the intersection between business and academics – it is a fascinating blend of people. In fact, I ended up getting my MBA here.   I’ve also loved the drive the school has had over the years to be a top player among business schools. It has been amazing to see us grow in quality over the years.

Where would you be if you weren’t working for the CSL/ASU?
I’d probably teaching school if I hadn’t found a role at ASU, given the trajectory I was on before coming here.  My “fantasy job” if I were not doing this would involve working with color in some capacity – a designer, decorator, florist, textile designer , etc. Continue reading